Welcome To Bijou Bichon
I’ve always been a dog lover and owned many different dogs over the years. When I decided to go into breeding as a business, I was torn because there’s so many great types of dogs… A friend of the family had a Bichon Frise and every time we visited, it was like being with another member of their family. The dog was ALWAYS so loving, so friendly… so BEAUTIFUL… so soft to stroke their luxurious coat.
I Mean… What’s Not to Love!
So, I just KNEW these were the dogs for me! I wanted to share the real gift of love these dogs bring to every person’s life… that sense of unconditional love… every person desires and needs.
Even though I’m working on my second decade in business, it’s still just a delight to be doing what I love!
My adult dogs are just part of the family. They live inside the house, with an open doggie door to go outside and play (or just hang out) in the back yard. Their meals are specially prepared every day with lots of meat, veggies and vitamins to promote good health. The dogs actually eat better balance meals than I do sometimes! No junk food for them – oh no!
And when my “girls” get pregnant, I’m ALL over them! Like every pregnant or nursing mom (humans or dogs), they need extra love, extra nourishment EVERY day (sometimes twice a day) – cottage cheese, goat’s milk and homemade chicken soup (and more) … I’m NOT kidding!
Can we talk about doggie-mommy full body massages…?
So… when you call me or come for a visit at my house to see a puppy… you can KNOW ahead of time, that puppy has been loved and cherished…
And soon will be ready to come to your home and share that love with you and your family.

Check out our puppies starring in a Bella Thorne commerical
for Candie's products at Kohl's